Trade Stands
The show’s aim is to promote and advance traditional agriculture, horticulture, livestock breeding and Arts & Crafts. It is held on the first Sunday in August every year.
Below is some information on the Trade Stands for the 2024 show. If you have any questions or require and further information, such as prices. Contact [email protected] – Donna Marshall
Thank you for your interest in a Trade Stand Site/Craft Stall at our Show on 4th August 2024.
New applicants receive forms in March, one month after whoever has attended before.
Applications are treated on a first returned, first served basis.
Usually, no more than two applications are accepted for similar stands.
Trade Stand spaces on the Showfield charges: For a 6 metre x 6 metre site – £50. For a 3 metre x 3 metre site – £30. Chance games or pieces of equipment are charged at £45 each.
Please ensure you book enough space, a surcharge of £15 per foot will be charged for extra space used.
Craft Stall tables inside the Craft Marquee cost £30 for one 6ft table. Chairs may be hired costing £3 each.
This year we are also providing free wifi on the field to enable traders to take card payments on site.
*Please note food suppliers should also email [email protected]
When downloaded, please return the completed application form plus a completed Risk and Fire Risk Assessment, with a copy of your Public Liability Insurance cover to the address given, enclosing the appropriate payment. Please include a stamped, self addressed envelope with your application. Please note the Terms and Conditions, which must be complied with – Book online and pay by bank transfer to Sykehouse Show – s/c 40-44-14 a/c no 41143417 . Please send the completed forms to : [email protected]
You will then receive a map with details of which site you have been allocated on the Show field to confirm your booking, which will allow entrance to one vehicle and two persons, anyone accompanying the stand must pay the appropriate entrance fee.
Should you wish to advertise in our Show Programme: –
Full page advertisements cost £80; Half page £50; Quarter page £30
An A4 or A5 copy of your current advertising material or bromide would be required before June 1st.
If you are a visitor or exhibitor, The Sykehouse Show has so much to offer. Below is the show in numbers and the forms needed if you want to get involved!
2022 Attendance
Trade Stalls